Books I'm Reading/Plan To Read

Monday, April 21, 2008

This is Cold That Would Not End...

Does anyone remember the song from Sherri Lewis' Lamb Chops Play Along, that went "This is the song that doesn't end/yes it goes on and on my friend/Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was/And they'll continue singing it forever just because/<>"

Well that is what this cold that I have been fighting has felt like! It kinda started a couple weeks ago when I got a scratchy throat. Didn't think much of it, drank a bunch of hot green tea, took airborn, etc. The sore throat went away. Then on Thursday of last week it hit me like an Acme Anvil in a Wylie Coyote cartoon. I woke up with a fever of 100.6. Not to bad. But, by the end of the day it had felt as though my throat had completely closed up and my fever had gone up to 102.6. So Friday I called the doctor at 11 and said I need to get there as soon as he was leaving at 12. So I got to the office and got looked at. I knew something was odd when everyone in the waiting room was fanning themselves, yet I was sitting there with a sweatshirt and freezing! He gave me antibiotics and sent me home for rest and fluids. So I rested.

Then on Saturday, things got no better! Throat still closed, body still emitting enough heat to fry a small egg. In fact at one point on Saturday the fever spiked up 103.3 degrees! I franticlly searched for remedies online, only to find one odd one having to do with egg white drenched material on the bottom of you feet. The one positive thing though, and the bright point of the whole sickness was on Saturday morning, Lil Phez called to see if I wanted to go to the park. I politely said I couldn't. So yesterday, things stayed pretty bad, fever again spiking to 103, but by the evening it was 102.4...WOO HOO!!! It went down!

Then this morning I woke up and I was cool to the touch, so I took my temperature, and it was 99.7! Yay! Well this cold is finally on its way out, even though I still have 14 more horse size antibiotic pills left to take! But I feel so much better.


Eva said...

Get well soon! Or if you're already all better, then YAY!

sari said...

I've been sick for three weeks. I am finally feeling better, so rest assured, the end is in sight!!

Eva said... are we feeling this week? Better? Hello?