Books I'm Reading/Plan To Read

Friday, April 11, 2008

A Meme, A Dinner, & A Movie

So this meme was started with a fellow blogger friend TroyBoy, and I figured I would take a try at it! Here is the premise...(1) Think of you favorite movie, but don't post it! Then (2) create a meal (as many or as few courses as you wish) around that movie. And finally (3) write down your meal of choice and let us out there in the blogging world figure out your favorite movie! (Recipe for meal not necessary).

So here is my meal:
  • Black & White Duo: Caviar on White Italian Crustini
  • Yellow Corn Salad with a Technicolortini: Cold yellow corn salad with ruby red and emerald green peppers. Served with a layered martini featuring a rainbow of liquors.
  • Cow of a Different Color: Beef three ways
  • No Place Like Homemade Apple Pie - Served on a blue gingham tablecloth
So there is my what movie does it relate to?


TroyBoy said...

My guess is the most horriblist movie of all time? Don't agree? Then I will banish you! And your little dog too! [trail off in evil witch of the north laugh...]

Hilda said...

Yep - I'm guessing "The Wizard of Oz"