Books I'm Reading/Plan To Read

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Today's the Day

Yes that is right, as of today I can
  1. Rent a car without having to pay any sort of premium price or insurance rate
  2. Call my car insurance company and say, I'm 25, drop my insurance price!
So yeah, today is my birthday, I am 25 today! A quarter of a century! Wow, but today has been a really fun day. My mom made sure that she got me whatever I wanted for lunch. My parents and grandmother both gave me generous gifts as did some of my fellow Toastmasters!

Oh yeah, it was birthday, and what did I choose to do? I went to my regular Toastmasters meeting, and I gave a speech. It was really nice, because even though I wasn't with my "immediate" family, I was still with family, just a different type!

Oh, and this is the birthday that keeps on giving! I am going to dinner with a friend on Friday, dinner with parents on Saturday, and then dinner with some other friends on Sunday!

So, thanks for everyones birthday wishes...let's see what adventures I get into this year!


sari said...

happy birthday!

may is a big birthday month!

Eva said...

Yay Matt! Happy Birthday!!! 25 is a great year. Have fun! :)