Books I'm Reading/Plan To Read

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Dreams That You Dare to Dream Really Do Come True powerful, so mesmerizing, so visual, yet hardly remembered, and I am not talking about the dreams you have when you lay your head on your pillow at night. I am talking about the dreams you have for you, for your future, for your life. We make these dreams for ourselves, but how often do we proceed with them.

Let me start with a question, of everyone who reads this post, please in the comment section answer these questions: (1) When you were a child, what were some of the many careers or jobs you "wanted to do when you grew up" and (2) Are you doing that job now?

If you answered question two with a YES, then congratulations. You have met at least one dream in your life, but now what...Are you done? Is there nothing! Keep making dreams, don't let dreams fade in and out. If you have accomplished a life long dream and have the dream job, still have more of your life to get a new life long dream to work towards!

Now, if you answered the question with a NO, shame on you! What are you doing now that is keeping you from that dream job? Sure many people have a "situation" but more often than not those "situations" are more like excuses in disguise. There is always a way around a situation, but many of us, myself included, get to a roadblock and then give up. Some of us give up temporarily, and some of us give up for good, but many of us give up.

This needs to change. Find a way to get back up, focus on the dream and keep going.


sari said...

I have a book my kindergarten class made (way back in the day) where everyone drew a picture of what they wanted to be when they grew up.

I put "mommie", so I guess I did ok.

I'm very lucky to be able to stay home with my boys, but there are a few dreams (which I won't go into right now) that I have for myself when they get a little older. I'm working on those one baby step at a time, but they're not forgotten.

TroyBoy said...

Yes. This only proves that I set my expectations very low - even in my dreams.

Cristina said...

As a little girl I wanted to be a teacher. No, I'm not doing that. Later I wanted to be a translator. No, I didn't do that either. I need to get my college degree, there is very little stopping me. I still hope that at some point I may substitute teach...when my kids are gone and I don't need a fulltime gig anymore. HA...we shall see...

Hilda said...

When I was 8 years old I decided that I wanted to be a Psychologist.

No, I am currently not a Psychologist. What happened? Life got in the way.

Now, I want to grow up to be a Book Editor or a Librarian...we'll see how that goes.

Eva said...

I wanted to be the first female Air Force fighter pilot when I was little. Someone beat me to it. And then my eyes went all crappy and I needed glasses and that pretty much smashed my dream to bits. :D But since I was five, I've wanted to be a Mom, and I am, and it's everything I ever "dreamed" it would be. And more.