Books I'm Reading/Plan To Read

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Year...New Resolutions

So I am not the kind of person who makes New Year's Resolutions, but this year I have actually made a few! Most are fairly straight forward, while the other one has many different parts to it!

(1) Learn how to say NO! - For the many of you who know me, I am very easy to get a favor out of, even if I don't necessarily have the time to do it. This is because I cannot say no! Well that will be changing this year! I will learn those two little letters, and I will use them!

(2) Better Myself - At first I felt selfish thinking of this as a resolution, but then this year I do want to focus my energy on myself and taking care of myself. Last year I was ridden with allergies and infections, so this year I want to (a) eat better (b) exercise more (c) learn more (d) have more adventures, etc. I know this sounds like any "common" resolution, but I am not necessarily looking to lose a certain amount of weight or anything, just to become healthier.

(3) Blog on a more regular basis.

As part of #2, I am taking up the goal to read 40 books over the course of 2008! This was partially inspired by a fellow blogger at 50 Books. So, my sidebar will be updating everyone of this! I will of course include my review of these books!

So, wish me luck and NO!


Cristina said...

Good luck with that No thing you are going to try. To me that seems to be the toughest resolution of all. It's a good one though. I wish you luck and NO! back atcha!

TroyBoy said...

Matt, can ya watch the kids for us this weekend?

Toni Lea Andrews said...

Here's a favor that will help you with another of your resolutions -- read one of MY books. LOL!