Books I'm Reading/Plan To Read

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jacksonville Fay Advisory 2.0

Now she is just taunting us! Last night we look at the NOAA website to keep an eye on this "blustery woman" and see we are no longer under a Tropical Storm Watch (YaY!). Instead we are under a Hurricane Watch (figures!). And then this morning we are under both a Tropical Storm Watch and a Hurricane Watch (huh?). We are probably going to close the office tomorrow and move all of our appointments to next week. However, we are not sure about Friday. It looks as though Fay will be out of the area by Friday morning, but it seems she likes to take her anything is possible!

Anyways, we can't help but laugh because we are getting the storm up here. It seems that when my Aunt & Uncle moved up here, everyone assured them that the hurricanes very very rarely hit up here, and they haven't had a hurricane in years! HA! HA! HA! Looks like Jacksonville is getting a good laugh! It's a good thing we are laughing with them!

Anyways, Fay aside, the past two weeks have been pretty eventful. Mom and Grandma left, but that last weekend the cousins and myself went to the movies. We saw Mamma Mia on Saturday and The Mummy: Curse of the Dragon Emporer on Sunday. Both movies were good. Mamma Mia is just fun and easy going. The story is kinda weak, but the fun factor and the songs make up for it! The Mummy was good as well. Done in the same fashion as the other ones, a good dose of humor for every dose of action.

This past Sunday, I took the cousins to the Jacksonville Zoo. It is a small zoo (especially compared to the moster that is Miami MetroZoo) but it is a really nice zoo. They have "loops" that are designed by geographical region. The best one had to be South America where they had a jaguar range and a black jaguar who was just georgous. If you are ever in the Jacksonville area, I suggest visiting the zoo.

Besides that all is well. I got a new computer for at home. The old one slowed down to a standstill and many times decided it didn't want to boot up. I tried all different solutions, including wiping the drive and starting over.

Anyways, thats about it. What's happening in your neck of the woods?

1 comment:

Erick said...

We're still getting rains from Fay. Storming pretty good right now, but not any worse than normal. At least we didn't have any of the flooding down here.

Have you been to Anastasia Beach yet? It's one of my favorite spots up there.