Books I'm Reading/Plan To Read

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Monday Morning Mix-Up on Thursday

So while two of the blogs that I read regularly, Pheasantly Fascinating and The Mind Wobbles, have their Friday Shuffle compliments of their computers (or in The Mind's case, a little iPod Shuffle affectionately (I'm assuming) named Lola!) So instead, I have deviated from the norm a tad (insert snarly comment from peanut gallery here) and created the Monday Morning Mix-Up.

The Monday Morning Mix-Up will be my computer's random selection of ten before I continue I must explain one thing, my music selection is eclectic...and by eclectic I actually mean, anything under the sun! Now, I have endless days of music, so I don't get to listen to it much and some of the songs I might not know, so they will get their first listen!

Without further ado, I present the inaugural Monday Morning Mix-Up, presented without commercial interruptions, on a Thursday evening:
  • Pussycat Dolls : Don't Cha - A song that is pure fluff and has no real substance, but is catchy and fun to listen to!
  • Green Day : All The Time - I actually have never gotten to the point in the Nimrod album to listen to this song...but it is a good song! Before the band decided to leave the punk realm behind for the pop world.
  • Willie Nelson : Someone To Watch Over Me - This has to be one of my favorite Willie songs, it is definitely from my favorite Willie album, Stardust. It is a great standard and Willie Nelson adds his unique vocals to this song, making it one that stands out.
  • The Wallflowers : Health and Happiness - A very interesting song, kinda down and dark, not quite sold on it yet, even though it is Bob Dylan's son who is the lead singer. Wallflowers were one of those groups that had an amazing first album then just faded.
  • Fleetwood Mac : Everywhere - At first I thought the song was something by Electric Light Orchestra from Xanadu, but then the intro ended, and it has begun to sound like a mix of ELO and Men Down Under. It's a good song, but just not Fleetwood Mac to me for some reason.
  • The Beatles : Her Majesty - All twenty-three seconds of this song are nice, pleasant, and about not being able to tell Her Majesty is a pretty nice girl. In fact it probably took you longer to read this than it did for my computer to play it!
  • Bad Company : Feel Like Makin' Love - A CD that is in my computer that I have never listened to. It was one that was imported via a friends CD and now I get to hear a song. Not bad, not what I was expecting either (in a good way)!
  • Dolly Parton : Will He Be Waiting For Me - I love me some Dolly, especially the bluegrass years! This is a great little ditty, uptempo, fun, yet not necessarily a positive song. Still, lots of fun!
  • Pat Benatar : Ooh Ooh Song - A very fun song, very 80's sound which is great.
  • 10,000 Maniacs : These Are The Days - My third favorite 10,000 Maniacs song and a great way to end this weeks songs! Natalie Merchant has such a great voice, but for me it only works with the rest of the band!
So that does it for the very first Monday Morning Mix-Up! Let me know your thoughts on these songs, artists, etc!


Hilda said...

I like that...Monday Mix-Up - cute!

One minor correction, because I'm anal like that, Lola is not an iPod Shuffle, she is a full-fledged, full size iPod 30 mg, with video. My hubby gave her to me for Christmas last year.

Lola is a big girl! :)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!